Google review winners for the first week - ta-da!
and the winners are...
When Quincie's Art Jewelry has a contest everybody wins! Rosanne Dunkleberger won the Zimbabwe Chatelaine, Molly Coyne won the Zimbabwe bracelet , and Amanda Erath won the Zimbabwe earrings. But, best of all, everyone who gives me a review, will receive a pair of beautiful oyster shell earrings. Our friend, Keller has started her own oyster business and has been working tirelessly for years, creating her oyster beds, a processing plant, and now finally a retail shop. You can find her and like her on Facebook - OysterMom.
This week I'll have another jewelry giveaway, so keep those google reviews coming. I'll post the new jewelry pictures soon, as well as keep making beautiful oyster shell earrings. I've placed the list of instructions for a google review on my website in my blog page. Please keep trying, or bring your laptop to the shop and I'll help.
As always, Quincie